The Serbian Export Credit and Insurance Agency, under whose auspices the Factoring Division also operates, was the general sponsor of the “Regional Conference on Factoring in CEE and SEE”...
Signed Memorandum for Stronger Cooperation between AOFI and Turkish Exim Bank (June 2019) State Secretary in the Ministry of Economy, Milun Trivunac, was present today, together with the Turkis...
AOFI participated at the second International Trade Fair ZBIZnet 2018, as a part of a large and unique economic event under the slogan “start mouving” at the Hall “Medison” in...
Diego and Frida: Smile halfway In a special ambience and atmosphere, at the beginning of the school year, in September 2018, in the National Assembly of Serbia in cooperation with the Embassy of Mexic...
National Agency for Regional Development (NARD) is traditionally organizing the International Entrepreneurship Fair. The Fair is an opportunity to gather entrepreneurs, associations, domestic and fore...
At the beginning of 2008 AOFI was accepted into the membership of the Factors Chain International (FCI), an international factoring association with over 230 factoring companies from 63 countries in t...
The help for flooded in the Republic of Serbia could be donated via PAY PAL account from 193 countires. The link for payments for the assistance to the citizens suffering from the floods: www.floodrel...
Please find attached the Appeal for Help to flooded areas of Serbia sent to business partners abroad.
Chief Executive Officer of the Serbian Export Credit and Insurance Agency j.s.c. Uzice (AOFI), Ana Malesevic, in an interview for NIN, as an introduction to Regional Investment Samith, speaks about th...