International Cooperation

AOFI has established cooperation and signed MoUs with numerous international institutions and banks.

AOFI is an active member:



Since December 2006, AOFI is an active member of the Berne Union, which has more than 80 members – export credit agencies, banks and private credit insurers from all over the world.

You can download the list of members on the Berne Union website and find out more about this association of insurers and reinsurers.

In the period 02 – 05 December 2012, AOFI hosted the Berne Union Prague Club Autumn Meeting. The main topic of the meeting was support to exporters through the insurance institute, which reduced the risk of the exporter’s business.

Special meeting – Claims and Recoveries for members of the Berne Union was held in December 2015 in Belgrade. The host of the three-day meeting for over 80 experts from around the world was again AOFI.

Berne Union Annual General Meeting 2017 with 260 participants from over 70 countries from all over the world was held in Belgrade from 1 to 5 October 2017. Berne Union gave the trust to AOFI to organize the gathering of its members  for the third time.





In January 2008, AOFI was became the member of  FCI – Factors Chain International – an international factoring association with over 200 members from 65 countries worldwide. More information about the FCI Association can be found here.

We signed cooperation agreements with the following members of the Berne Union:


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