About us


AOFI – Serbian Export Credit and Insurance Agency a. d. Užice is an export credit agency of the Republic of Serbia, which was established on 15 July 2005 by the Law on the Export and Export Finance Agency of the Republic of Serbia (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 61/05).

AOFI’s activities are insurance and financing of exports for Serbian export-oriented companies.

AOFI aims to achieve strategic improvement of the conditions of the business of the export economy and the overall improvement of the export structure of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, AOFI works together with developing, financial and other institutions in the country, as well as with relevant foreign companies and institutions.

AOFI operates according to the principles of liquidity, security and profitability consistently implementing the measures of preserving the real value of capital and measures for protection against the risk of business performance.


Main goal

The main objective of AOFI is to encourage and improve exports by applying the following business policy principles:

encouraging exports by continuous improvement and development of AOFI’s activities in the field of securing claims
preserving the real value of capital
quality assessment of creditworthiness of clients in order to ensure security of placements and collection

Our mission

EXPORT is the driving force of the economy and our most important mission is support in that area.

AOFI as the official export credit agency (IKA) aims to improve the economy of the Republic of Serbia, that is, support in export. We are always at the service of our clients, giving them the opportunity to capitalize on their export capacities.

Considering that we have achieved successful international communication and cooperation, as the oldest, largest and safest insurer of export, as the only official export credit agency of the Republic of Serbia, we provide a better position of Serbian businessmen in the world. Such a position is necessary and of great importance.

288Total number of clients
210Number of loans + Factoring contract number
45Number of guarantees
188Number of covered countries



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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

