Serbian-Italian business forum at which Dejan Vukotić, CEO, AOFI spoke in the plenary part.
On Sunday, 13.11.2022. in TV Dnevnik briefly about the insurance of Serbian exporters. On Monday, 14.11.2022. at 16:30 on the First Program of RTV in Business Monitor, more about everything. (88) O osiguranju izvoznika Srbije: Samo još dve osiguravaj...
The conference in Belgrade held on September 14, 2022, at the Hilton Hotel: “IFC CSEE IFI INVESTMENT PROMOTION AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE”. AOFI in cooperation with IFC, EBRD, CEB Czech Republic, EXIM HU Hungary and EXIMBANKA S...
In August, in the premises of AOFI, the Agreement with the Iranian Credit Agency EGFI was signed in the presence of representatives of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. A meeting was held where all present highlighted and specified importa...